Vtm Blood Pool Chart

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Vtm Blood Pool Chart Blood Pool Max The maximum number of blood points a vampire may keep in her system Remember that elder vampires concentrate their blood while the volume of blood in their bodies is no greater than any other vampire s each pint of blood is worth more then one point

Bloodpool Max Max number of bloodpoints a vampire of this generation can store Remember elders concentrate the vitae within them rather than swelling up with huge physical volumes of blood BP Turn Max number of bloodpoints a vampire of this generation can spend each turn Current table reflects Blood Pool Max per Turn 20 4 rules found in Revised and V20 Notes When vampires embrace they must give their childe their blood vitae in order to convert the corpse into a new vampire

Vtm Blood Pool Chart


Vtm Blood Pool Chart


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Vtm Blood Pool Chart A Visual Reference Of Charts Chart Master

Revised Vampire Generation Chart Notes This chart follows the 20th anniversary edition Instead of being able to raise their physical attributes for a scene the vampire instead gains the Empower Blood ability A player may spend a number of blood points equal to their maximum blood per turn to empower their blood For the entire scene Add four dice to your dice pool when utilizing Blood Surge Able to mend three Superficial damage per Rouse Check When making a Rouse Check for a level three or below Discipline they can reroll once if they fail

Blood Potency describes the degree of power vampiric Vitae bestows upon a character Full blooded vampires begin their unlife at a level of Blood Potency dependent on their Generation and may typically increase it through age experience and diablerie Their minimum and maximum level of You now have the minimum and maximum Blood Potency for each Generation and a chart that tells you what each score means Have your players put all the information from their old sheet to the sheet below which has hunger

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Vtm Blood Pool Chart A Visual Reference Of Charts Chart Master


Vtm Blood Pool Chart A Visual Reference Of Charts Chart Master

A 5th generation is capable of burning 8 blood pool per turn and has 40 blood pool capacity which tends to result in some extraordinary fights especially when they go up against comparable supernatural creatures When a character increases their generation their base blood pool the amount before any bonuses from jewellery is added becomes the current value of blood pool at the time of level up plus a set bonus The Blood Amulet Blood Bracelets and Blood Rings each increase the current value of the blood pool Amulet 25 Bracelets 20 each Rings

Blood Pool Chart Vessel Blood Pool Vampire 10 Werewolf 25 Average Human 10 Child 5 Cow 5 Dog 2 Plasma Bag 1 Rat bat or bird 1 2 See the Generation chart to determine this number A vampire may spend one blood point to heal one normal bashing or lethal health level of damage


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Blood Pool Max The maximum number of blood points a vampire may keep in her system Remember that elder vampires concentrate their blood while the volume of blood in their bodies is no greater than any other vampire s each pint of blood is worth more then one point

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Bloodpool Max Max number of bloodpoints a vampire of this generation can store Remember elders concentrate the vitae within them rather than swelling up with huge physical volumes of blood BP Turn Max number of bloodpoints a vampire of this generation can spend each turn


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Vtm Blood Pool Chart - A character s blood pool measures how much vitae the vampire has in his system The blood pool comprises a number of individual blood points Each blood point corresponds roughly to one tenth of the blood in an average adult mortal a pint or