Blood On The Clocktower Player Chart

Blood On The Clocktower Player Chart I don t know why this is not available anywhere but here is my take on the player count sheet that you can print on an A4 Size paper Please print shrink to fit You can put it on the table and it will be more visible as it is bigger and you can put more than 1 if you have a bigger group Also has a reminder of the poison and drunk

There s a table you can find in the rules online I usually just use the following rule to remember At 7 it s 5 town 1 Demon 1 minion As count increases it keeps going like this 1 outsider 2 outsiders 1 minion 2 townsfolk And this There is a sheet that tells you the player role count for each edition and the number of players IIRC

Blood On The Clocktower Player Chart


Blood On The Clocktower Player Chart


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I m one of the producers for the game and I can say that it definitely works with 6 players but the absolute sweet spot is 7 9 players We ve got special rules for games of 5 or 6 players to balance it out so its just as fun but I personally feel its best at 7 9 Collect all the character tokens from the players and place them in your Grimoire so they match the seating positions of the players The safest way to collect character tokens is to ask all players to hold their hand out with their character token in hand felt side up face side down

Welcome to the biggest single resource on the internet for Blood On The Clocktower information tips tricks secrets rules strategies and advice Characters By Edition So the biggest difference on the smaller player counts is that with 5 6 players storyteller the demon and minion will not be notified who each other are The notification that happens with 7 creates a balance of power between the two sides that skews dramatically to Evil in smaller player counts But once you remove notification

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Blood On The Clocktower

I m looking for a place that will suggest what roles to include with various scripts based on number of players For example playing Trouble Brewing with a suggested mix of characters for 9 players 10 players 11 players etc Running my first game this Saturday and I won t know the player count for certain until the day of The rules sheet describes all the major things that a new player will need to know to start playing Simply read out the text written on this sheet to the group or let those who want to read it do so privately

Games with a high player count can take a long time our last game with 15 players and a storyteller ran for almost 4 hours It seems around 10 12 is a good spot but 8 should also work The 7 player session was alright but not the best in my opinion Blood on the Clocktower Rulebook by Libby White Last updated over 2 years ago Hide Comments Share Hide Toolbars Post on Twitter Facebook Google Or copy paste this link into an email or IM


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Blood On The Clocktower Player Count BoardGameGeek › ... › blood-on-the-clocktower-player-count
I don t know why this is not available anywhere but here is my take on the player count sheet that you can print on an A4 Size paper Please print shrink to fit You can put it on the table and it will be more visible as it is bigger and you can put more than 1 if you have a bigger group Also has a reminder of the poison and drunk

Buy Blood On The Clocktower A Captivating New Social Bluffing Game
I m New To The Game And Was Wondering How Do You Know How › BloodOnTheClocktower › comments › qeuta…
There s a table you can find in the rules online I usually just use the following rule to remember At 7 it s 5 town 1 Demon 1 minion As count increases it keeps going like this 1 outsider 2 outsiders 1 minion 2 townsfolk And this




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Blood On The Clocktower Player Chart - Since most players prefer to play with outsiders in play 7 10 and 13 aren t very popular player numbers because those are the ones that have 0 outsiders 5 and 6 are okay numbers to have but I prefer full games over teensies