Umbilical Cord Venous Blood Gas Chart Describe the process for umbilical cord blood collection define the normal acid base parameters of umbilical cord blood gases discuss the clinical value of determining acid base parameters Objectives
Normal umbilical cord blood gas values Median 5th 95th percentile PH 7 27 7 12 7 35 pO2 16 3 mmHg 6 2 27 6 PCO2 55 1 mmHg 41 9 73 5 Bicarbonate 24 3 mmol L 18 8 28 2 Base excess 3 00 mmol L 9 3 to 1 5 Lactate 3 7 mmol L 2 0 6 7 Per Olofsson P Umbilical cord pH blood gases and lactate at birth normal values interpretation and clinical utility If you are not willing to accept the terms and conditions in the Disclaimer we ask that you do not use this Web Site
Umbilical Cord Venous Blood Gas Chart
Umbilical Cord Venous Blood Gas Chart
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In this paper we have focused on cord blood gas values in understanding the degree of compromise These data can help determine the timing of fetal compromise prior to labor and whether these precipitating events were acute or prolonged So the umbilical cord contains three blood vessels one large vein carrying oxygenated blood to the fetus and two much smaller arteries carrying deoxygenated blood that is relatively rich in carbon dioxide and other metabolic waste products from the fetus
Cord blood gases all given as pH PCO2 PO2 base excess were as follows umbilical vein 7 31 44 19 3 umbilical artery 7 26 53 14 4 A pediatric resuscitation team was present at the Report the following abnormal cord blood gas results to the LBS medical team AND neonatal team caring for baby Arterial pH
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Interpreting Venous Blood Gas
Blood from the umbilical vein always has a higher pH a lower PCO2 and a higher PO2 than blood from the paired umbilical arteries The base deficit is more reliable than bicarbonate as a measure of metabolic acidosis or alkalosis Cord blood analysis should be assessed by collecting paired samples from the umbilical artery UA and umbilical vein UV of a segment of cord that has been double clamped to isolate it from the placenta
Paired arterial and venous cord blood samples should be analysed by the obstetric team in all high risk deliveries Any cord pH 7 1 should be recorded as a critical incident and be reported by the obstetric team to the NICU team immediately Oxygenated blood is carried from the placenta to the fetus through the umbilical vein whereas blood rich in carbon dioxide eliminated by the fetus returns to the placental circulation through the umbilical arteries
Normal Venous Blood Gas
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Describe the process for umbilical cord blood collection define the normal acid base parameters of umbilical cord blood gases discuss the clinical value of determining acid base parameters Objectives › unassigned › umbilical-cord-blood-gases-nor…
Normal umbilical cord blood gas values Median 5th 95th percentile PH 7 27 7 12 7 35 pO2 16 3 mmHg 6 2 27 6 PCO2 55 1 mmHg 41 9 73 5 Bicarbonate 24 3 mmol L 18 8 28 2 Base excess 3 00 mmol L 9 3 to 1 5 Lactate 3 7 mmol L 2 0 6 7
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Umbilical Cord Venous Blood Gas Chart - Cord blood gases all given as pH PCO2 PO2 base excess were as follows umbilical vein 7 31 44 19 3 umbilical artery 7 26 53 14 4 A pediatric resuscitation team was present at the