Stages Of Blood Pressure Chart Explore normal blood pressure numbers by age according to our chart Find out what your reading means what s deemed healthy and how you compare with others
Blood pressure readings typically fall into four categories but there are only two official hypertension stages This article explores the categories and stages of high blood pressure what category your blood pressure measurement puts Here s a look at the four blood pressure categories and what they mean for you If your top and bottom numbers fall into two different categories your correct blood pressure category is the higher category For example if your blood pressure reading is 125 85 mm Hg you have stage 1 hypertension
Stages Of Blood Pressure Chart
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A blood pressure chart lists the five stages of blood pressure from normal to a hypertensive crisis and the range of blood pressure that falls into each category Use our blood pressure chart to learn what your blood pressure levels and numbers mean including normal blood pressure and the difference between systolic and diastolic
Blood Pressure Stages High blood pressure for adults is divided into stages At each stage there is a greater risk to your health A hypertensive crisis which is measured at 180 120 is a sharp increase of blood pressure that may cause a stroke Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury mm Hg and consists of two numbers systolic and diastolic A doctor uses these figures to categorize high blood pressure into stages Blood
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HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE 130 139 or 80 89 HYPERTENSION STAGE 1 ELEVATED 120 129 and NORMAL LESS THAN 120 and LESS THAN 80 140 OR HIGHER or 90 OR HIGHER HIGHER THAN 180 and or HIGHER THAN 120 HYPERTENSIVE CRISIS consult your doctor immediately HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE HYPERTENSION STAGE 2 HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE HYPERTENSION STAGE 1 HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE HYPERTENSION STAGE 2 HYPERTENSIVE CRISIS consult your doctor immediately American Heart Association SYSTOLIC mm Hg upper number LESS THAN 120 120 129 130 139 140 OR HIGHER HIGHER THAN 180 and and or or and or A men can VA mer1can
What is the blood pressure chart The blood pressure chart contains 5 categories The categories include normal elevated high blood pressure stage 1 high blood pressure stage 2 and hypertensive crisis The current BP chart dates back to 2017 and was formed by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association Blood pressure is measured using two numbers systolic and diastolic The systolic pressure represents the force exerted on the artery walls when the heart contracts and pumps blood while the diastolic pressure represents the force when the heart is at rest between beats
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Explore normal blood pressure numbers by age according to our chart Find out what your reading means what s deemed healthy and how you compare with others
Blood pressure readings typically fall into four categories but there are only two official hypertension stages This article explores the categories and stages of high blood pressure what category your blood pressure measurement puts
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Table Of Blood Pressure Categories Infographic With Speedometer Show Hypertensive Crisis
Blood Pressure Readings What They Mean
Stages Of Blood Pressure Chart
Stages Of Blood Pressure Chart - If your home blood pressure monitoring HBPM or ambulatory blood pressure monitoring ABPM shows average blood pressure ranging between 135 85 mmHg to 149 94 mmHg your medical team will diagnose stage 1 hypertension