High Blood Pressure Chart Uk If you want to measure your blood pressure at home or have been asked to do so by your doctor this blood pressure chart can help you understand what your reading means It also comes with a 25 week diary so you can see keep track of your blood pressure readings and see how they change over time
Use our check your blood pressure reading tool to see your reading on a chart and understand what it means If your blood pressure is too high it puts extra strain on your blood vessels heart and other organs such as your brain kidneys and eyes If it s not treated it can increase your risk of serious conditions such as Your blood pressure is measured in mmHg millimetres of mercury and is made up of 2 numbers The top number is your systolic blood pressure which is the pressure as your heart pumps blood around your body This is the higher number of the 2 The bottom number is your diastolic blood pressure which is the pressure when your
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More than 90 over 60 90 60 and less than 120 over 80 120 80 Your blood pressure reading is ideal and healthy Follow a healthy lifestyle to keep it at this level More than 120 over 80 and less than 140 over 90 120 80 140 90 You have a normal blood pressure reading but it is a little higher than it should be and you should try to lower it Once you know your numbers you can use the blood pressure chart to see what they mean and if your blood pressure is in the healthy range The chart is suitable for adults of any age as the cut off point for diagnosing high blood pressure doesn t change with age
Learn what normal blood pressure readings look like The medical term for high blood pressure is hypertension and it means your blood pressure is always too high This means your heart is working harder when pumping blood around your body High blood pressure is What Blood Pressure Levels Are Normal Around 16 million people are living with high blood pressure in the UK If left uncontrolled high blood pressure can cause heart attacks or strokes Depending on the severity high blood pressure is treated with lifestyle changes as well as blood pressure medication
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See how healthy your numbers are on our blood pressure chart Find out how high blood pressure works and what it means if you have high blood pressure You can make simple changes and start lowering your blood pressure today See our range of resources to help you understand your blood pressure and how you can get it under control High blood pressure hypertension can increase your risk of developing serious problems such as heart attacks and strokes if it s not treated Having this quick test is the only way to find out what your blood pressure is and it could save your life You should have a blood pressure test if you re worried about your blood pressure at any time
Discover how your age affects your blood pressure Find out the normal range of blood pressure by age to maintain good health and prevent disease High blood pressure is a common medical condition where the pressure inside your arteries a type of blood vessel is higher than it should be You probably won t get any high blood pressure symptoms But you re more likely to get conditions such as heart disease a
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If you want to measure your blood pressure at home or have been asked to do so by your doctor this blood pressure chart can help you understand what your reading means It also comes with a 25 week diary so you can see keep track of your blood pressure readings and see how they change over time

https://www.nhs.uk › conditions › high-blood-pressure
Use our check your blood pressure reading tool to see your reading on a chart and understand what it means If your blood pressure is too high it puts extra strain on your blood vessels heart and other organs such as your brain kidneys and eyes If it s not treated it can increase your risk of serious conditions such as

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High Blood Pressure Chart Uk - More than 90 over 60 90 60 and less than 120 over 80 120 80 Your blood pressure reading is ideal and healthy Follow a healthy lifestyle to keep it at this level More than 120 over 80 and less than 140 over 90 120 80 140 90 You have a normal blood pressure reading but it is a little higher than it should be and you should try to lower it