High Blood Pressure Chart Pdf

High Blood Pressure Chart Pdf Your blood pressure is measured in mmHg millimetres of mercury and is made up of 2 numbers The top number is your systolic blood pressure which is the pressure as your heart pumps blood around your body This is the higher number of the 2 The bottom number is your diastolic blood pressure which is the pressure when your

Measure your blood pressure twice a day in the morning before taking your medications and in the evening before going to bed Take at least two readings one minute apart each time For best results sit comfortably with both feet on the floor for at least five minutes before taking a measurement Sit calmly and don t talk HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE 130 139 or 80 89 HYPERTENSION STAGE 1 ELEVATED 120 129 and NORMAL LESS THAN 120 and LESS THAN 80 140 OR HIGHER or 90 OR HIGHER HIGHER THAN 180 and or HIGHER THAN 120 HYPERTENSIVE CRISIS consult your doctor immediately HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE HYPERTENSION STAGE 2

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ELEVATED HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE HYPERTENSION STAGE 1 HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE HYPERTENSION STAGE 2 HYPERTENSIVE CRISIS consult your doctor immediately American Heart Association SYSTOLIC mm Hg upper number LESS THAN 120 120 129 130 139 140 OR HIGHER HIGHER THAN 180 and and or or and or A men can VA mer1can Download the chart Blood pressure chart for adults PDF PDF 121KB What do the readings mean As a general guide Most doctors use 140 90mmHg as the cut off for point for diagnosing high blood pressure hypertension This is the point where your

What do your blood pressure numbers mean What is normal blood pressure Blood pressure is the force of blood against your artery walls as it circulates through your body When this pressure is too high over a long period of time it puts strain on the walls of the arteries and that begins to create complications The tools offered here can help you learn about and manage your blood pressure About Blood Pressure Let s Talk About Blood Pressure e Learning Module Hablemos sobre presi n arterial What Is High Blood Pressure PDF Qu es la presi n arterial alta PDF High Blood Pressure and Black People PDF High Blood Pressure and Stroke PDF

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Ideally blood pressure should be below 120 80 mmHg to maintain good health and reduce the risk of stroke heart disease and other conditions However the target depends on factors like age health conditions and whether the reading is being taken at home or your health care professional s ofice How is high blood pressure diagnosed Your healthcare providers will want to get an accurate picture of your blood pressure and chart what happens over time Starting at age 20 the American Heart Association recommends a blood pressure screening at your regular healthcare

Ce tableau comprend les mesures de la pression art rielle systolique et diastolique qui sont mesur es en millim tres de mercure mmHg Une tension art rielle saine se situe autour de 120 80 mmHg Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2021 C est la pression art rielle id ale Your blood pressure can be normal elevated or you may have Stage 1 or 2 hypertension high blood pressure Normal blood pressure Less than 120 less than 80 mmHg Elevated blood pressure 120 129 less than 80 mmHg Stage 1 hypertension 130 139 top number OR 80 89 bottom number


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Your blood pressure is measured in mmHg millimetres of mercury and is made up of 2 numbers The top number is your systolic blood pressure which is the pressure as your heart pumps blood around your body This is the higher number of the 2 The bottom number is your diastolic blood pressure which is the pressure when your

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Measure your blood pressure twice a day in the morning before taking your medications and in the evening before going to bed Take at least two readings one minute apart each time For best results sit comfortably with both feet on the floor for at least five minutes before taking a measurement Sit calmly and don t talk


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High Blood Pressure Chart Pdf - Many things can afect your blood pressure reading on any given day so a true diagnosis of high blood pressure requires at least three readings on separate occasions The more stressed out you are the higher your blood pressure can be