Blood Smear Findings Different Anemias Chart

Blood Smear Findings Different Anemias Chart Anemia definitions Anemia is defined for patient care as a reduction in one or more of the major red blood cell RBC measurements obtained as a part of the complete blood count CBC hemoglobin concentration hematocrit or RBC count A low hemoglobin concentration and or low hematocrit are the parameters most widely used to diagnose anemia

Background Anemia is a significant health concern around the world and it is particularly prevalent in developing nations like India A red blood cell RBC histogram is a graphic representation of particle size distribution cell frequencies vs Peripheral blood smear This will inform the abnormality of the RBC shape size and any inclusions There is a dimorphic picture in a mixed deficiency of iron vitamin B12 or folate there are microcytes and macrocytes In this case blood indices may be normal Also find the abnormal white cells and the assessment of the platelets

Blood Smear Findings Different Anemias Chart


Blood Smear Findings Different Anemias Chart


Parts Of A Blood Smear


Diagnosing Anemia Chart

Laboratory evaluation begins with a complete blood count CBC including white blood cell WBC and platelet counts RBC indices and morphology and examination of the peripheral smear RBC indices include mean corpuscular volume MCV mean corpuscular hemoglobin MCH mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration MCHC and red blood cell Blood smear is often used to categorize and or identify conditions that affect one or more types of blood cells Examples include anemias various infections myeloproliferative disorders

CNS central nervous system GI gastrointestinal Hb hemoglobin LDH lactic dehydrogenase MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration RBC red blood cell WBC white blood cell Result In our study of 500 patients the histogram suggested 52 2 of cases as microcytic hypochromic anaemia followed by normocytic normochromic anaemia 19 6 The histogram suggested 12 6 of patients and 2 2 of patients suffering from macrocytic anaemia and haemolytic anaemia respectively

More picture related to Blood Smear Findings Different Anemias Chart


Classification Of Anemia Chart


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Microcytic Anemias The Blood Project

You can see this nicely on a blood smear normochromic cells have a zone of central pallor that white dot in the middle of the cell that is no more than 1 3 the diameter of the red cell Hypochromic red cells have just a thin rim of hemoglobin Tells you how much the red blood cells differ from each other in size People find out they have anemia in a variety of ways You may have symptoms and go to your doctor who discovers the anemia through blood tests Or your doctor might find out you have anemia as a result of tests done for another reason

Different blood tests including a complete blood count CBC iron test or B12 test can help diagnose anemia which can have different causes Anemia occurs when there are not enough Microscopic examination can show an abnormality in the size and shape of RBCs when analyzing a smear of the peripheral blood to identify anemia 4 Morphologically anemia can be categorized using RBC indices 5 RBC indices derived from RBC and Hb analysis are essential in determining the underlying cause of anemia


Microcytic Anemias The Blood Project


Morphological Classification Of Anemia The Blood Project

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Anemia definitions Anemia is defined for patient care as a reduction in one or more of the major red blood cell RBC measurements obtained as a part of the complete blood count CBC hemoglobin concentration hematocrit or RBC count A low hemoglobin concentration and or low hematocrit are the parameters most widely used to diagnose anemia

Parts Of A Blood Smear
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Background Anemia is a significant health concern around the world and it is particularly prevalent in developing nations like India A red blood cell RBC histogram is a graphic representation of particle size distribution cell frequencies vs


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Microcytic Anemias The Blood Project


Hemolytic Anemias The Blood Project


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Blood Smear Findings Different Anemias Chart - In the diagnosis of different anemia morphological changes of red blood cells provide an important diagnostic value Peripheral smear PS examination is one of the basic and informative tools for screening diagnosis and monitoring of type of