Blood Pressure Colored Chart

Blood Pressure Colored Chart Your blood pressure reading comes in two numbers a top number and a bottom number Once you know your numbers the blood pressure chart enters the scenario This colour coded chart often in the shade of red orange and yellow will tell you whether you have normal or abnormal blood pressure

Dr Winstead s Blood Pressure Tracking Free Templates for Graphing and Recording Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate in Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice Calc Free Blood Pressure Charts HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE 130 139 or 80 89 HYPERTENSION STAGE 1 ELEVATED 120 129 and NORMAL LESS THAN 120 and LESS THAN 80 140 OR HIGHER or 90 OR HIGHER HIGHER THAN 180 and or HIGHER THAN 120 HYPERTENSIVE CRISIS consult your doctor immediately HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE HYPERTENSION STAGE 2

Blood Pressure Colored Chart


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International guidelines suggest that the following blood pressure readings obtained by self measurement measurement taken at home indicate high blood pressure Systolic blood pressure 120 mmHg Diastolic blood pressure 80 mmHg The color code of this classification is from the article CoCo trial Color coded blood pressure Control This printable blood pressure chart is an incredibly helpful tool for tracking and monitoring your blood pressure levels It s simple organized and user friendly making it easier for anyone to stay on top of their health Highly recommended

Free Printable Blood Pressure Chart in PDF format If you need to keep track of your blood pressure every month this blood pressure log can be helpful Blood pressure taken ones at the Doctor s office sometimes is not enough Free printable blood pressure log sheets can be downloaded in PDF PNG and JPG formats Maintaining a record of your blood pressure readings is crucial for effectively managing your health To simplify this process we are excited to introduce our collection of printable blood pressure log sheets

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Want to know how blood pressure is classified Use our interactive blood pressure chart presented below One review study suggests that color coded visualized blood pressure charts lead to better self monitoring than traditional non color coded blood pressure booklets The three color coded areas of the chart reflect the risks accordingly Green Blood pressure 140 90 mmHg in target range Yellow Hypertension 140 90 mmHg Significance

Blood Pressure Categories BLOOD PRESSURE CATEGORY NORMAL ELEVATED HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE HYPERTENSION STAGE 1 HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE HYPERTENSION STAGE 2 HYPERTENSIVE CRISIS consult your doctor immediately American Heart Association SYSTOLIC mm Hg upper number LESS THAN 120 120 129 With these handy templates you can track your blood pressure and weight levels Our log sheet templates come in various formats including daily weekly and monthly trackers allowing you to monitor your blood pressure over time


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Blood Pressure Chart Decode Your Readings HealthifyMe › blog › blood-pressure-chart
Your blood pressure reading comes in two numbers a top number and a bottom number Once you know your numbers the blood pressure chart enters the scenario This colour coded chart often in the shade of red orange and yellow will tell you whether you have normal or abnormal blood pressure

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Blood Pressure Colored Chart - Free Printable Blood Pressure Chart in PDF format If you need to keep track of your blood pressure every month this blood pressure log can be helpful Blood pressure taken ones at the Doctor s office sometimes is not enough