Blood Pressure Chart Online

Blood Pressure Chart Online Blood Pressure Chart Use our blood pressure table to see what your reading means Stage 1 Hypertension Average home readings of 135 85 mmHg or clinic readings of 140 90 mmHg but less than Stage 2

The blood pressure chart maps out different levels of blood pressure to make it easy for you to work out whether your blood pressure is normal The different blood pressure levels are low blood pressure readings are between 70 90 40 60 mmHg ideal blood pressure readings healthy are between 90 120 60 80 mmHg Our goal is to assist you in finding information pertaining to blood pressure Want to know what your blood pressure reading means Use our quick check tool below

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Blood pressure is measured in millimetres of mercury mmHg and is given as two figures For example if your blood pressure is 140 over 90 or 140 90mmHg it means you have a systolic pressure of 140mmHg and a diastolic pressure of 90mmHg As a general guide Blood pressure readings what do the numbers mean Use this blood pressure calculator to check whether you have high or low blood pressure by age

The blood pressure calculator helps you to check if your blood pressure is within the recommended ranges both for Europeans and Americans If you want to measure your blood pressure at home or have been asked to do so by your doctor this blood pressure chart can help you understand what your reading means It also comes with a 25 week diary so you can see keep track of your blood pressure readings and see how they change over time

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More than 90 over 60 90 60 and less than 120 over 80 120 80 Your blood pressure reading is ideal and healthy Follow a healthy lifestyle to keep it at this level More than 120 over 80 and less than 140 over 90 120 80 140 90 You have a normal blood pressure reading but it is a little higher than it should be and you should try to lower it Blood Pressure Chart lets you keep track of your blood pressure records analyze and share them with your doctor

Check your BP value with our blood pressure calculator Use the tool provided below to find out whether your blood pressure is low normal or high Consult your personal doctor for more information on blood pressure and possible complications of high low blood pressure This tool may be used for orientation purposes only Input your values below Download this blood pressure chart and diary and use the available online tools to fill in the diary which is on the next page or print it off and fill it in with a pen


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Blood Pressure Chart Use our blood pressure table to see what your reading means Stage 1 Hypertension Average home readings of 135 85 mmHg or clinic readings of 140 90 mmHg but less than Stage 2

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The blood pressure chart maps out different levels of blood pressure to make it easy for you to work out whether your blood pressure is normal The different blood pressure levels are low blood pressure readings are between 70 90 40 60 mmHg ideal blood pressure readings healthy are between 90 120 60 80 mmHg


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Blood Pressure Chart Online - Blood pressure calculator is an online tool to calculate the blood pressure in the human body It calculates the blood pressure based on systolic and diastolic readings Blood pressure is measured in mmHg which is a unit of pressure It is blood pressure and heart rate calculator that quickly calculated the blood pressure based on given readings