Blood Donor Height And Weight Chart

Blood Donor Height And Weight Chart Height and weight chart for female blood and platelet donors between 17 and 19 years old unable to donate able to donate C a a a a Title Created Date 20120820141446Z

New donation guidelines have been introduced for female blood donors aged under 20 taking height and weight into account This chart illustrates explains the new criteria If you are a woman under 20 and you weigh under 10st 3lb 65kg or are under 5 6 168cm tall you will need to check you have enough blood to donate safely Use this tool to check if you have enough blood to donate

Blood Donor Height And Weight Chart


Blood Donor Height And Weight Chart


Blood Donation Height Weight Chart


Blood Donation Height Weight Chart

Donation research and medical evidence have shown that based on height and weight female including transgender female and transgender male donors of smaller build as indicated in the chart below are at an increased risk of fainting following blood donation Weigh at least 110 pounds Minimum height and weight for donors 16 through 22 years of age Males donors Must be at least 5 0 tall and weigh at least 110 pounds Females donors Refer to the chart below for eligibility greater than or equal to Be in good general health

Weight You must weigh 50 kg 110 lb or more to give blood If you re a woman between 18 and 22 years old See the minimum weight chart to find out whether you can give blood To donate blood donors should generally feel well and healthy with no fever sore throat cold or flu like symptoms Comply with the chart below Age 19 must weigh at least 110 lbs 4 10 4 11 5 0 5 1 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 6

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If you are under 5ft 6 168cm or weight less than 10st 3lb 65kg please use the height and weight information below to check your eligibility If your weight and height meet in a white box you are eligible to donate Job Aid Donor Height Weight Standards All donors male and female must be at least 17 years of age and weigh at least 115 pounds Females older than 22 years of age must weigh at least 115 lbs Female donors between 17 and 22 years old who are shorter than 5 feet 6 inches tall can donate if they meet the height weight

The BSQR 2005 specifies a minimum donor weight for whole blood and component donors of 50kg 1 This is based on an outdated assumption that Estimated Blood Volume EBV is 70ml per kg and that therefore a donor of 50kg and above will have an EBV of at least 3500ml You must weigh at least 110 lbs to be eligible for blood donation for your own safety Students who donate at high school drives and donors 18 years of age or younger must also meet additional height and weight requirements for whole blood donation applies to girls shorter than 5 3 and boys shorter than 5


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Height And Weight Chart For Female Blood And Platelet Donors › media › height-and-weigh…
Height and weight chart for female blood and platelet donors between 17 and 19 years old unable to donate able to donate C a a a a Title Created Date 20120820141446Z

Blood Donation Height Weight Chart
Height And Weight Chart For Female Blood Donors Scotblood › giving-blood › publications › height-and...
New donation guidelines have been introduced for female blood donors aged under 20 taking height and weight into account This chart illustrates explains the new criteria


Blood Donation Height And Weight Chart


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Blood Donor Height And Weight Chart - Height and weight requirements for 16 23 year old blood donors MALE FEMALE HEIGHT MINIMUM WEIGHT 4 10 118 lbs 4 11 114 lbs 5 or taller 110 lbs NOTE Values are approximate and do not guarantee eligibility for all donation